Online Bill Presentment and Payment (OBPP) Quick Reference Guide
The Online Bill Presentment and Payment (OBPP) is a secure, convenient alternative to the use of personal checks, cashier’s checks and money orders to make Chapter 13 plan payments to the Trustee by using your checking or savings account to make electronic payments. This electronic payment system, developed in conjunction with my bank, Truist Bank, provides a verifiable, trustworthy, and an expedited payment option. This system is optional – if you choose not to use it, you may continue to send personal checks, cashier’s checks or money orders to my lockbox to make your Chapter 13 plan payments, or you may have your plan payments made using a wage deduction order to your employer.
Benefits of the Online Payment System:
- The ability to make Chapter 13 plan payments from any location, at any time of day, as long as you have Internet access.
- Save time and money by not having to purchase and mail personal checks, cashier’s checks or money orders.
- Payments made before 7:00 PM Central Time will be credited to your bankruptcy case the next business day.
Online ePay System Prerequisites:
- You must have an email address.
- You must have computer or mobile device capable of accessing the Internet.
- You must have an web browser that support 256-bit encryption, cookies enabled, the most recent version of Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Google Chrome .
- You must have a PDF file reader like Adobe® Acrobat®, Xpdf®, and Foxit® reader.
- You must know your bankruptcy case number.
- You must know the last four digits of your Social Security number.
- You must have a checking or saving account.
- You must have a valid email address.
- Click HERE to go to my OBPP website.
- Click on the Enroll Now button.
- Click on the Continue button on the Welcome to Online Payment tap.
- Fill out the Lookup Case Details page and click Continue
- Review and accept the Chapter 13 Trustee Richard V Fink's Term and Condition and click Continue.
- Fill out the Customer Details, Email Details, Access Details, and Payment Setup section. Please note that password cannot be the same as the Login ID. It must be between 12 and 32 characters in length. It also must contain at least one uppercase letter, one number, and one special character.
- Click New Bank Account and fill out the form. Click Save. DO NOT USE A DEPOSIT SLIP to obtain your routing number. The deposit slip routing number typically is different from the routing number associated with the checking account. It's required that you use your checking or savings account information. We do not accept debit cards or credit cards as your source of payment. Using a debit card or credit card will cause a decline on our OBPP System.
- Click Continue after new bank account have been successfully added.
- Review to confirm your entered data is correct and click Continue.
Making a Payment:
- Click HERE to go to my OBPP website and login.
- Click Schedule One Time Payment
- Select Payment Method
- Select Payment Date
- Select Payment Amount
- Select Payment Type
- Click Continue
- Review Payment Detail and Click Confirm. Please note that there is a $2.00 convenience fee to use this electronic payment system. This fee is paid to the bank and covers the cost to the bank for providing this service. The Trustee does not receive any portion of the fee.
- Remember to verify that your bank account has enough funds in it to cover the transaction before you start this electronic payment process. If you submit a payment without having enough funds in your bank account to cover the transaction, the result most likely will be a Non-Sufficient Funds transaction. If this occurs, your bank account will be overdrawn and you may incur charges at your bank. IN ADDITION, IF YOUR PAYMENT IS RETURNED FOR NON-SUFFICIENT FUNDS, OR ANY OTHER REASON, YOUR ONLINE EPAY ACCOUNT WILL BE LOCKED AND YOU NO LONGER WILL HAVE THE OPTION OF USING THE ONLINE EPAY SYSTEM TO MAKE YOUR CHAPTER 13 PLAN PAYMENTS. You then will be required to make your monthly plan payment by using a personal check, a cashier’s check or a money order, or you may be required to set up a wage deduction order to your employer.